
Five Reasons to Try Delta-8 THC

If you’ve heard of Delta-8 THC, but you’re not sure what it is or why you should try it, then you’ve come to the right place!   Just as we started to wrap our heads around and learn more about major cannabinoids THC and CBD, minor cannabinoids such as Delta-8 THC have surged into the […]

Tips For Finding a Quality CBD Brand

In the health and wellness industry, cannabidiol (CBD) has burst onto the scene with increasing popularity and no signs of slowing down. With their variety of forms, CBD products are widely available with hundreds of brands and items to choose from. To navigate a market inundated with products, it’s important for consumers to conduct research […]

Is Delta 8 Legal?

Since delta-8 has been available in the market, sellers and users have seen plenty of controversy and questions about its legality. At the federal level, the answer is murky, but in this blog post, we’re going to do our best to answer that question.   Background Understanding A quick understanding of delta-8, hemp, and marijuana […]

Three Benefits of CBD

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is the chemical that is found in hemp and marijuana, which are cannabis sativa plants. Many have found it to be an effective natural remedy for a number of ailments such as chronic pain, sleeplessness and anxiety, along with growing research in other fields like diabetes, epilepsy and cancer treatments. […]

First Time Vaping? Here Are 6 Things You Should Expect

Despite the growing popularity of vaping, it’s surprising how little the average Joe knows about this hobby.   Don’t worry, though, because although vaping isn’t as simple as buying and smoking a cigarette outside the convenience store, this guide will give you all the info you need to know to enjoy your first steps into […]

5 Benefits of Using CBD Products for Better Health

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an organic compound found in marijuana and hemp plants which has many medicinal benefits. One out of almost 200 cannabinoids, CBD’s remarkable healing qualities come from its ability to interact with the human endocannabinoid system which is responsible for regulating a variety of physiological processes, such as appetite, pain-sensation, mood, etc. The […]

An Estimated 20,000 People Stopped Smoking by Vaping

While in America scaremongers and the tobacco lobby push against the popularization of vaping, in the UK the government is leading the way by promoting vapes as a healthy alternative to cigarettes. According to research from the University College London (UCL) and Cancer Research UK, more than 18,000 long-term smokers in England quit in 2015 […]

5 Reasons You Should Switch from Smoking to Vaping

Vaping has experienced a tremendous increase in popularity in recent years. And why wouldn’t it? After all, vaping tends to be more convenient and cheaper than smoking cigarettes. So, just in case you haven’t made up your mind yet, here are 5 reasons why you should pick vaping over cigarettes.   Studies Show Vaping May […]

Struggling with Anxiety? Here’s How CBD Could Help You Relax

We live in a hectic world where opportunities to relax are few and far in between. It’s not surprising, then, how common anxiety has become among people. However, while we’re still far from finding a definite cure to anxiety, Cannabidiol (CBD) seems to offer a promising solution.   What is CBD?   CBD is one […]

Could CBD Oil offer Pain Relief to People with Fibromyalgia?

Imagine feeling excruciating pain, like that of something tearing the muscles off your bones, for minutes, hours, or even days. Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? Well, that’s what life is like when you have fibromyalgia.   People with fibromyalgia are in a constant state of pain. Although opioid painkillers can offer relief, their use can be […]